Internationale Restaurant à Aerocity, New Delhi à proximité de IGI Airport, New Delhi | - Téléphone / Réservez une table en ligne au restaurant AnnaMaya à l'hôtel Andaz Delhi et dégustez votre repas Asiatique, Fusion, Indienne Restaurant à New Delhi


Restaurant Internationale situé Aerocity AnnaMaya Foodhall – A modern food hall at Andaz Delhi inspired by the colours and flavours of the world.

Demander une table à AnnaMaya


AnnaMaya Foodhall – A modern food hall at Andaz Delhi inspired by the colours and flavours of the world.

We inspire socially conscious minds through stories, artisanal products, and experiential flavours. AnnaMaya is a place of live show kitchens where food and reimagined beverages are served and artisanal and prime products, are available on retail. Not serving cuisines, but flavours. “Eat Mindful. Shop Artisanal. Raise Awareness”



6:30 AM - Minuit Actuellement ouvert


AnnaMaya, Asset No.1, Aerocity, New Delhi, Delhi 110037, India

Contact Us

Icon +918588804222