Выпечка кухня | Ресторан |Bhikaji Cama Place | город Нью-Дели рядом с AIIMS | - Позвоните нам или забронируйте столик онлайн в Sidewalk в Hyatt Regency Delhi и насладитесь высокой кухней в городе Нью-Дели | Десерты, Кофе, Afternoon Tea


Выпечка кухня Bhikaji Cama Place Delhi's premier bakery and patisserie, perfect for leisurely meeting over an exceptional cup of tea or coffee.

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Delhi's premier bakery and patisserie, perfect for leisurely meeting over an exceptional cup of tea or coffee.

A European style bakery offering delicious hand-crafted breads, tarts, an assortment of savouries as well as freshly baked cakes, pastries, pralines and truffles. Aromatic ambience and a beautiful view of the pool and lush greenery enhance the contemporarily designed cafe in south Delhi.



8:30 AM - 10:00 PM Сейчас открыто


Sidewalk, Ring Rd, Bhikaji Cama Place, Rama Krishna Puram, New Delhi, Delhi 110066, India

Contact Us

Icon +911166771304