Logo Sofia Bar & Tapas Color 01
Bcnub Sofiabarytapas Mar 24 0251 A1 Medium

Sofia Bar & Tapas

Mediterranean space with traditional and new flavours and aromas

A universe that combines Mediterranean cuisine & tapas, traditional dishes and contemporary techniques. Indulge your senses with our signature tapas. Experience the delights of Sofia Tapas & Bar amidst the open air on our inviting terrace.

Bcnub P0520 Sofia Bar and Tapas General Table Set Up.16x9.jpg


Welcome to Sofia Bar & Tapas, a culinary journey that blends the essence of Mediterranean cuisine with the art of tapas. Our menu is a fusion of traditional flavors and contemporary techniques, offering signature tapas that will tantalize your taste buds. Relax and enjoy these delights ...

Gh Junio 149
Bcnub Sofiabarytapas Mar 24 0223 A1 Medium
Hyatt Sofia Bcn Marzo 24 Mazzaninefoyer 24753 Low


5/5 Stars
"This space offers the best of Mediterranean cuisine with a contemporary touch, where each signature tapa surprises with its creativity and flavor. The cozy outdoor terrace is ideal for a relaxed al fresco meal, while the elegant interior allows you to enjoy both a complete culinary ..."
Silvia Ruiz Chaves, 17/10/2024